Novice Gardener: 4 Tips for Buying Plants for Your New Garden

Gardening is a hobby that is enjoyed by many, but getting started can be a little challenging if you do not know a lot about plants and caring for them. Luckily, with a little bit of effort, gardening is something that anyone can learn to do. If you're a novice gardener, use the following tips to help you enjoy the foliage on your property:

Visit a Local Nursery 

There are many places that sell plants, from grocery stores to big box stores. But if you're new to gardening, your best bet is to visit a local nursery. Most nurseries employ staff that are very knowledgeable and can provide a lot of information about what types of plants grow best in your climate. The staff at a nursery can also tell you what types of plants are easiest to care for-- you may want to start out with these hardy plants as you're learning more about gardening.

Shop During Non-Peak Times

As a new gardener, you will likely need assistance from the staff at your local nursery. If you want to ensure that you get the help that you need, try to shop during off-peak hours, such as on a weekday during the early afternoon. During weekends in the spring months, nurseries tend to be quite busy as everyone begins planting, so you may not be able to get the service that you need during these times.

Buy Bigger Plants

It is not uncommon for a new gardener to buy perennials that come in tiny containers-- these small plants usually don't cost much, so people don't think that they are losing much money if the plant doesn't thrive. But this strategy can actually backfire, since those very small plants will need extra attention and nurturing in order to grow larger. Choosing to buy a perennial that is much larger is often a better choice, since these plants tend to be more hardy and ready to be planted. Since larger perennials are more mature, they are not as much at risk for being overtaken by weeds.

Budget for Extra Supplies

Growing a beautiful garden area involves more than just buying plants. You will also need to budget for things like soil, fertilizer, and mulch. Depending on the plants that you buy, you may also want to consider having an automatic watering system installed.  If you plan to include fruits in vegetables in your gardening plan, you may also need fencing materials to help keep deer, rabbits, and other animals from destroying your garden.

For more help planting your first garden, visit a local nursery like Moon Valley Nurseries.
