Features To Look For When Selecting Erosion Control Blankets

One of the most common methods of controlling erosion is to use an erosion control blanket. These blankets can be used permanently or can be used for the short-term in cases where they will be kept in place only until vegetation can grow and take over erosion control.

Facilitating Vegetation Growth

Erosion control blankets can help increase vegetation growth. They are able to hold seeds and soil in place. They can protect seedlings as they emerge.Then, after the plants have grown sufficiently, you may remove the erosion control blankets and the vegetation will provide control themselves. They are popular because they are more cost-effective than straw and hydraulic mulch.

Biodegrading for a Better Environment

Erosion control blankets are made out of organic materials and are designed to degrade within the course of 1-2 years depending on the location where the blanket was used. By the time it has degraded, the plant roots will have established themselves in a manner that allows for stable growth. Another reason why these blankets are popular is that they are easy to install. 

Preventing Weeds with Weed-Seed Free Blankets

The best blankets are those that are certified weed-seed free. In some cases, erosion control blankets introduce weeds to a property that can then be difficult to eliminate. Instead, as the blanket biodegrades, it acts as mulch and delivers nutrients to the soil to help nourish vegetation. 

Stopping Water Runoff

Blankets are able to slow down water runoff.  Some blankets are designed to swell and form a better matrix when wet. Surface runoff is a leading cause of erosion. The erosion results from water arriving faster than the soil can absorb it. Surface runoff can lead to reduced crop productivity and can also transport pollutants. Therefore, you must get water erosion under control.

Reducing Sediment Erosion

The blankets can halt sediment erosion. Wind has the capability of lifting soil and carrying it away. Barriers are the most-effective way to block wind and prevent it from contributing to sediment erosion. Unvegetated land, such as construction sites, are the most vulnerable to this type of erosion. 

Preventing Tripping And Trapping

Some blankets do not require any netting because they use curled, barbed fibers. Animals and people sometimes trip over netting. Animals can also become trapped in the nets. This is a common problem in rural areas where livestock can be placed at risk and where the nature of farming increases the amount of soil erosion.

Contact a company like Bark Blowers & Hydroseeding Inc for more information.
