If you're thinking about adding a hedge to your yard, the immediate benefit that might appeal to you is privacy. There's little question that the right type of hedge in the right location can help to give your yard the privacy that you desire. What you might not realize, however, is that hedges can offer a number of other advantages, too. Speak to a local landscaping service professional, who can not only plant your hedge for you but also discuss the various types of hedges that can work in your yard. Here are three benefits of planting a hedge.
More Shade For Your Yard
Even if you enjoy the sun, it's ideal if at least part of your yard is shady for some of the day. The shade is valuable if you have children who spend a lot of time in the yard. On hot days, you might be reluctant to let them play outside. With a hedge, however, the children will be able to play close to it and avoid the bulk of the sun's rays. The shade that a hedge provides can also be ideal if you wish to plant a garden that includes shade plants. Many plants don't do well in direct sunlight but can thrive when they're in the shade.
A Habitat For Birds
Watching birds from your windows or even from your deck or patio can be appealing for many homeowners. Hanging bird feeders in your yard can attract neighborhood birds, but another good way to encourage birds to spend time in your yard is by planting a hedge. Many different species of birds build their nests in hedges, thanks in part to the shelter that this type of vegetation provides. Once your landscaper plants a hedge in your yard, you shouldn't be surprised to see more birds around before long.
A Way To Divide The Yard
There are certain scenarios in which you may wish to divide the yard into multiple sections. If so, a hedge can be a good way to accomplish this goal. For example, if your children frequently play soccer in the yard but you're fed up with their soccer ball constantly ending up rolling around the patio, a hedge along the edge of the patio can serve as a natural barrier between these two spaces. Your kids won't have the hassle of retrieving their soccer ball from beneath patio furniture, and you'll be able to enjoy sitting on the patio in peace.